Tuesday, December 1, 2009

MLK PTO Weekly Email, 11/30/09

Dear Friends, Families, and Staff Members of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School,

We hope that you and your families had a terrific Thanksgiving. This weekly email update contains 5 items of interest:

1. Middle School Fair and Open Houses
For fifth grade parents: the Middle School Fair will be Tuesday, December 1, 5:30-8:00pm at Nathanael Greene Middle School, 721 Chalkstone Avenue (please note location change from the location mentioned in last week's PTO email). All Providence public middle schools will be open the following week from 8:30am-7:00pm for Open Schools Days. Please check schedules that will or have already come home with your students; information also available online athttp://www.providenceschools.org/media/63696/(eng)%20ms%20open%20schools%2011-13-2009.pdf

2. MLK PTO Steering Committee Meeting, Wednesday, December 9, 7:30am
If you are interested in becoming more involved in the MLK Parent-Teacher Organization, please consider joining us at our monthly steering committee meeting to discuss fundraising, upcoming events, and other PTO business. Children are welcome and breakfast will be served. We would love to see Steering Committee regular and new faces. This meeting is open to EVERYONE in the MLKcommunity and we hope that you can join us. Please note that starting in January, we will hold MLK PTO Steering Committee meetings in the evenings as well (every other month, alternating with mornings) to maximize the possibility that everyone who wishes can attend. Please join us if you can; rsvp by responding to this email or call MLK PTO co-president Jill Davidson at 401-345-2464.

3. Family Movie Night! Friday, December 11, 6:00pm
The MLK PTO invites all students and their families to a special movie night featuring "THE POLAR EXPRESS. " This event begins at 6:00 p.m. Come in your pajamas for extra fun! Cookies, hot chocolate and other refreshments will be available. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

4. PTO Winter Celebration! Monday, December 14, 6:00pm
Please save the date and plan to join us at the MLK PTO Winter Celebration! Students will be performing music they have worked on throughout the fall, and we'll share information about student progress and achievement. Childcare will be provided (childcare is $1 per child). Please bring a holiday dessert to share! More details will come home in a flier in students' backpacks.

5. MLK PTO Monthly Newsletter
Check your kids' backpacks for the December MLK PTO newsletter!

Have a great week!

Jill Davidson
Kim Rohm
MLK PTO co-presidents

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